XT5 B9721

John Macaskill-Smith

Pounamu sponsor address | 12.00am, Friday 2 May

NRHC 24 John Macaskill Smith 1000x1000

John is CEO of Spark Health – focused on supporting and spring boarding clinical digital innovation across the sector: connecting people and systems.

John has a broad background and many success stories leading change and transformation in the health sector. John has experience across the spectrum – Government, MoH/HFA NGO: leading one of New Zealand’s largest PHO over 5 DHBs with a massive rural/regional high need population; Clinical start-ups – Tend and Equine Health, and internationally in the UK, US and the Middle East. He has been responsible for major innovations introducing business, technology and clinical changes that have spread to national and international adoption.

John is also involved in governance roles across New Zealand and in a number of international settings across health, animal health, IT and education.